What are some of the top historical attractions in Palermo?

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What are some of the top historical attractions in Palermo?
What are some of the top historical attractions in Palermo?

I thought, for my next vacation, that I would plan a trip to Sicily. I would like to stay several days in the capital of Palermo. What are some top historical attractions to see?

1 3 years ago 1 answers 5496 views

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The capital of Sicily, Palermo features a number of historical attractions that are as breathtaking as they are memorable. Drenched in the warm rays of the sun year-round, Palermo is well known for its historical attractions, all which are surrounded by mountains and sit close to Sicily’s beautiful coast.

One of the attractions you will want to see is the splendid-looking Cathedral of Palermo, with its elegant arches and towers. The structure was built in 1185 on the site of a prior basilica, which once was used as a mosque during an Arab occupation. 

The churches of Saint Catherine and Saint Joseph dei Teatini dominate the square with their domes, which are featured opposite of each other. The Palazzo Senatorioro, or Palermo’s town hall (known as the Palace of Eagles) stands prominently in the square as well. 

What will truly impress you about the square is its font, called Pretoria Fountain, known as one of the most beautiful fountains in Italy. The water feature takes up the whole center of the Piazza.

Yet, another structure of note is the Palace of the Normans. The fortress, which was rebuilt by the Arabs during the ninth century, was built on the foundations of an ancient Punic-Roman building. The Normans, under the rule of Roger II, embellished the palace, and made it the royal mansion. The Royal Hall or Aula Regia in the magnificent building is the heart of this memorable piece of architecture.

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1 3 years ago 1 answers 5496 views

Answered by our Expert

I am a holiday loving travel junkie who decided to make a career out of doing the thing I love most... putting together great deals on holidays for other people who are just as passionate about travelling as I am!
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Beaches, City Breaks, Family, Spa & Wellness, Weddings and Honeymoon, Romantic, Luxury, All Inclusive, Cruise

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Celebrity, Fashion, Food & Drink, Hints & Tips, Art, Lifestyle, Music

The capital of Sicily, Palermo features a number of historical attractions that are as breathtaking as they are memorable. Drenched in the warm rays of the sun year-round, Palermo is well known for its historical attractions, all which are surrounded by mountains and sit close to Sicily’s beautiful coast. One of the attractions you will want to see is the splendid-looking Cathedral of Palermo, with its elegant arches and towers. The structure was built in 1185 on the site of a prior basilica, which once was used as a mosque during an Arab occupation.  The churches of Saint Catherine and Saint Joseph dei Teatini dominate the square with their domes, which are featured opposite of each other. The Palazzo Senatorioro, or Palermo’s town hall (known as the Palace of Eagles) stands prominently in the square as well.  What will truly impress you about the square is its font, called Pretoria Fountain, known as one of the most beautiful fountains in Italy. The water feature takes up the whole center of the Piazza. Yet, another structure of note is the Palace of the Normans. The fortress, which was rebuilt by the Arabs during the ninth century, was built on the foundations of an ancient Punic-Roman building. The Normans, under the rule of Roger II, embellished the palace, and made it the royal mansion. The Royal Hall or Aula Regia in the magnificent building is the heart of this memorable piece of architecture.
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