28th February 2023
2 min. read
Saint Lucia hopes to streamline tourist arrival procedures at the airport by implementing an online entry system.
The shift will take effect as of tomorrow (1st March), one month after the Caribbean island lifted all entrance restrictions for Covid-19.
All flight travelers should complete the online immigration form on the Saint Lucia Tourism Board website within 72 hours of landing, the Foreign Office announced in a revised travel alert.
“This replaces the written form and should speed up the arrival process. Anyone who does not travel with proof of the online form will be able to complete a paper form on arrival until mid-April, as they are being phased out,” it added.
According to the Saint Lucia Tourist Authority, using an electronic entry form for air traveler arrivals is anticipated to “significantly improve” processing times for travelers.
On April 11, when the procedure transitions entirely online, the option to continue submitting a paper copy of the form will expire.
The tourism body also stated: “All travellers arriving by air are strongly encouraged to complete the form online prior to arrival to avoid delays on arrival.
“The online form can be completed wherever the internet is available prior to landing in Saint Lucia, including on board flights that offer internet services.
“Once they have landed, travellers will be required to show their receipt to the immigration and customs officers.
“In the first instance, passengers landing in Saint Lucia who have not completed the form will be required to complete and submit the paper form, however this arrangement will be phased out within six weeks of the electronic form going into operation.”
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