7th August 2021
2 min. read
Wales has confirmed that the Westminster-led amendments to overseas travel restrictions announced earlier this week would be implemented, bringing all four UK countries into line.
France will be moved to amber from the so-called amber-plus list at 4 a.m. Sunday, seven European countries will be moved from amber to green, the UAE, Qatar, India, and Bahrain will be moved from red to amber, and Mexico, Georgia, and the French Indian Ocean islands of La Reunion and Mayotte will be moved to the red list.
Elund Morgan, Wales’ minister for health and social services, called for choices to be made together in a statement confirming Wales’ approval of the update.
He said: “Despite our continued efforts to press for UK-wide decision-making in this area, decisions for England have once again been made without engagement with the Welsh government or the other devolved governments.
“This is unacceptable – international travel policy affects all parts of the UK and Welsh interests need to be part of the decision-making process.
“We are extremely disappointed with the unilateral approach taken and believe there remain clear public health risks posed by re-opening international travel while the virus is circulating globally. For these reasons, we continue to caution against international travel for non-essential reasons this summer.
“However, as we share an open border with England, it would not be practical or viable to introduce a separate border health policy.
“Therefore, we will replicate the changes being made in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, to maintain the same traffic-light system as the rest of the UK.”
Scotland and Northern Ireland both approved the England rules on Wednesday.
Michael Matheson, Scotland’s cabinet secretary for transport, said:
“These latest changes make it clear that international travel remains challenging.
“Recent relaxations to travel restrictions for fully vaccinated people were due to the huge success of the Scottish Government’s vaccination programme.
“It is vitally important we protect that progress through continued vigilance on importation, and we continue to urge caution given the risks caused by variants of concern.”
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